TECHNO offers practical value engineering solutions to reduce project budgets while ensuring the highest quality at the lowest possible cost.

Our specialized team assists clients in understanding whole-life outputs to achieve the best long-term value. Through value engineering, we identify signs of over-engineered systems and other high-value areas to save you money.

We help clients appreciate how a detailed understanding of the entire lifecycle can inform decision-making beyond just capital budgets. Our value engineering support also helps eliminate unnecessary costs.

Value engineering is used to solve problems and identify and eliminate unwanted costs while enhancing function and quality. The goal is to increase value and performance at the lowest possible cost.

We consider material availability, construction methods, transportation issues, site limitations or restrictions, planning and organization, costs, and profits. The benefits include reduced life cycle costs, improved quality, and decreased environmental impact.

Our value engineering solutions involves:
•Identifying the main elements of a project.
•Analyzing the functions of those elements.
•Developing alternative solutions for delivering those functions.
•Assessing the alternative solutions.
•Allocating costs to the alternative solutions.
•Developing in more detail the alternatives with the highest likelihood of success.
•Taking a wider view of the project and looking at the selection of materials, plant, equipment and processes to see if a more cost-effective solution exists that will achieve the same project objectives.
•Balancing initial cost and running cost to the benefit of the client and end user.